Templo Bautista Misionero

Missionary Pastor: Bro. Alfredo Melchor
Sponsoring Church: Rose Lawn Missionary Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma

As of March, 2023 Rose Lawn Missionary Baptist Church is the Sponsoring church for the Hispanic Mission, Templo Bautista Misionero, in Oklahoma City.

Bro. Melchor has been, and is doing, a great job there in reaching out to the Spanish-speaking people in that area and in teaching the Word of God. Over the years many souls have been saved and scripturally baptized there. Please pray for him and all of the Mission members. The members of the Mission are determined to continue in their service to the Lord.

They now have a need for a place to assemble together for worship services. A very nice trailer has graciously been donated to the Mission by Blue Ribbon Missionary Baptist Church in Lone Grove, OK. Templo Bautista Misionero and Rose Lawn Missionary Baptist Church are very thankful to Blue Ribbon MBC and to the Lord for this generous gift. The Mission is in the process of finding land to put the trailer on. Please pray for this need.

Rose Lawn M.B.C. has established a Building and Property Fund to help with this need. We ask you also to remember this in your prayers. Thank you.

For those that the Lord leads to support this Fund, send to:

Rose Lawn Missionary Baptist Church
6610 East Latimer Place
Tulsa, OK 74115.

Designate offerings “Hispanic Mission Building and Property Fund”, or something similar.

If you have questions about the Mission or this Fund you can contact Bro. Rick McVeigh (918-224-4393 home; 918-814-2754 cell; or e-mail at rmcveigh@cox.net), or Bro. Alfredo Melchor (405-634-4335 home). Thank you for your prayerful support.

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